All originating posts contained in this blog are the opinions of the Author and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual.  The views of the Author are his own.  Furthermore, they do not necessarily reflect the views of the the people who live in the Author’s neighborhood, city, province, country or continent.  Please also note that the fact the piece is written in English is in no way meant to malign other languages or linguistic entities, nor to malign those who are illiterate or visually impaired and thus are unable to read the piece.  The Author freely admits that his views may not be the same as those of his religious or ethnic group.

The content of this blog is not intended to cause harm, but if you have any concerns about the contents of this blog, please contact the Author.  Disagreeing with the content of the blog does not constitute sufficient ground for you to ask the Author to remove or modify any parts of this blog.  The Author is not being paid to write content on this blog or to manage and in any way operate this blog.

Feel free to challenge the Author or disagree with the Author in the comments section of each blog entry, but the Author reserves the right to delete any comment for any reason whatsoever (abusive, profane, rude, or anonymous comments) – so keep it polite, please.

Any view or opinion represented in the blog comments are personal and is accredited to the respective commenter / visitor to this blog.  The Author reserves the right to moderate comment suitability in support of respecting racial, religious and political sensitivities, and in order to protect the rights of each commenter where available.  Everything the commentor says in explicity or expressed in defamatory statements is bound to sedition laws from the commentor’s country of origin, and may be used against the said commentor.

The Author has taken due care to ensure that his posts on issues discussed in this blog do not contain specific references to a person and his/her name, group, temple, institution, organization and place.  All such references will be generic in nature so that the objectives of the forum are fulfilled for the benefit of all.